No Man's Sky

PSN-Name: Crash Bandicoot
Spielt gerade: Crash Bandicoot
Wie darf man sich die Planeten (Mehrzahl ~troll~ ) vorstellen? Roter Planet, Blauer Planet, Gelber Planet, Roter Planet mit einem Kieselstein mehr, Blauer Planet mit einem Kieselstein mehr,.......Roter Planet mit einer blauen Sonne, Roter Planet mit einem Kieselstein mehr und mit einer blauen Sonne,.....

Baukastenprinzip...danach hört es sich für mich an.
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Auf der GC haben die Entwickler auf einer Präsentation etwas vom Umweltgenerator gezeigt laut GameOne.
Da wurden auch erste Schwachstellen im Spieldesign klar. Wirkte laut deren Ausführungen so als würde vlt einige Leute enttäuscht werden von diesem Spiel. Das Ziel ist noch nicht klar, aber hat leider auch viel Potential schnell langweilig zu werden, weil sich die Planeten dann nur in einigen Punkten unterscheiden.
Sprich jetzt gibt es auf Planet B im Gegensatz zu A dunkel statt hellgrüne Pflanzen und auch eine neu Baumart und die dinos haben jetzt Hörner auf den Nasen.
Ein allzugroße Interaktion mit anderen KIs gibt es auch nicht, sprich Zufallsbegegnungen ja, aber wer hier auf ein Elite oder X hofft wird enttäuscht.

Can be affiliated with different factions, however you’ll never have indications of this. It’ll simply be that if you destroy ships of one faction, then it won’t like you, or you could help it and it will

If you have a good status and affiliation, then you will be able to call on AI wingmen (Using D-pad)

The alternative periodic table ties directly into the game’s use of resources, which are used to improve your avatar’s suit and your weapon, and can be traded at space stations to earn money to upgrade your craft, or buy a new one

Resources can be combined

There won’t be any quests or missions to go on. It’ll be up to you to decide what you want to do. The hope is that your natural curiosity and the richness of the worlds presented will be enough to keep you interested - this is a game about exploration

Fun is put above scientific accuracy. Flying between planets won’t be long and monotonous, and neither will flying out of an atmosphere

There is an in-game encyclopedia where you can view all the rare creatures you’ve scanned once uploaded

It’s basically up to you how you play. The universe is a living breathing place that just works. Shipping lanes, trade routes, freighters, space stations. Planets have ecologies.

Not an MMO. Everyone will be very far away from each other. But you will feel the impact of other players

It’s been mentioned that you can run into other players, but it’ll be very rare, and the details are very unclear right now. For example “there is the ability to communicate and work with other people” is something Sean said. He also mentions that he is inspired by how Journey and Dark Souls do it. So if you run into another player, you won’t know who they are.

It’ll always be first person

This isn’t a game about staying on one planet and setting up shop, this isn’t core to the game. You can stay on one planet if you want though, it’s up to you

There will be a compelling reason to head towards the centre of the galaxy, as well as an ending that will provide you with a sense of closure. But there will be a reason to continue playing after that ending

You don't have an inventory, but you do have a sort of bank account.

Any employment in the game will net you money and you can use this to buy equipment

There will be ancient artefacts for you to find which could reveal the secrets of the universe.
klingt doch ganz gut. glaube nicht dass das spiel schnell öder wird. mehr zu dem Universum, Flugschiffen und Planeten hier

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
few extra stuff:
Devs decided against a galaxy completion percentage meter because it would remain hopelessly small.
The map has multiple zoom levels, the furthest one shows the entire galaxy. Next one allows you to fly through the stars and choose ones to scan. Scanning a star shows info on the solar system like if you may find special resources, how many planets. If this system has been discovered you see extra info like what class the space station is and which planets have been explored. You can zoom to planetary level next and if the planet was discovered you will see the marks of interest that were found.
Sean murray, a dev, talks multiplayer. The map will show where your friends are and there maybe an in game messaging system but that is all for now. The first time you see another player is the first time you will realize what your character looks like "i think we will surprise people in terms of how they look." he says you only see them in a suit so you still don't know what is inside, "it still won't answer for people whether you are an alien or whether you are human or what you look like."
hauling resources from one system to another can be profitable but you need to calculate how much fuel you are wasting to see if it is worth it.
No building of ships you can only buy what you see. So if you see a ship you like you can follow it and buy it at a trading post/station.
Various factions in the galaxy keep track of your actions and may respond with love or aggression depending on those actions.
Some trading posts have specific upgrades. Some stock lower level items, other high quality ones. So to upgrade something you need to locate the correct kind of trading post. Data from other players will help identify these. Otherwise you need to look around the points of interest and hope you find one.
Upgrades to three categories are available, suit, weapon and ships. Suit and weapons can be permanently upgraded. Ships cannot, you have to buy ships with whatever upgrades you want. Upgrades come in a scale of quality from 1 to 5.
Here is a partial list of upgrades:

Ships - shields, laser beams, plasma shot, rapid fire shots, energy torpedo, wing (maneuverability), hull (additional stats shows if it allows ships to land in toxic areas, etc.), engine, hyperdrive, cargo space (also fuel), cloaking

suit - shields, resource capacity, jetpack, air hazard, liquid hazard (defense against toxic, radioactive, etc)

weapon - laser beam, energy shot, plasma grenade, scan distance, scan type (some stuff cant be scanned until upgraded)
there is a shared common player database showing all animals and planet life discovered.
The malevolent force robots are on some planets. Sorry about that guys.
The are ancient robots left behind by who knows what. They are a constant, they will be different types but they will act the same way, you can use tactics you learn to defeat them. They describe it like halo and its main types of enemies. "we discovered we needed something like that in the game. We're still experimenting with this quite a bit."
no early access or betas, they want it to be "finished" when it comes out.
Ship combat weapons have different uses. Lasers eat shields, plasmas melt hulls, torpedoes are super powerful but slow. You have to manage cooldowns, no ammo.
The portals need special weapon types to open, like a door in metroid. No clue what is on the other side, you cant take your ship. The goal is to explore as far as you can before needed to run back through the portal to safety.
The center of the galaxy according to the dev "in some ways its like a beginning. I am hoping it is a nice moment for them that they actually feel like not sharing..."
Ok so this is a quick list after my first read. Doesn't include every detail, but I've tried to pick out the main ones for you all. I'll update when I'm back at laptop with more detail, probably tomorrow. If you don't want to know what the malevolent force is, don't read. So here it is:
There's a wildly abstract intro sequence that sounds really cool.
Not all players start on equal terms. Some planets will be harsh, some will have rare resources.
First point of interest on your starting planet will be your ship
Galaxy map shows how many planets each star has, any special properties like extra resources. If online you'll learn additional things like if it's been discovered, what class of space station is there. Can zoom in further to examine planets individually. If it's been explored you'll see a run down of the points of interest.
Can see friends location on galaxy map.
In game messaging system has been teased.
If you fly past another player, you might never even know it's a real person
Money is called units
Everything earns money, like resources, exploration, combat.
Get resources with mining laser and grenades, and can only see resources in a special scanning mode.
Hyperdrive fuel and cargo space share the same storage
If you see a ship you like, you can follow it back to a station to buy it
Can land in docking bays in space station, and get out and browse tradable cargo or stroll down the line of ships to check out stats and prices
What you can buy depends on who is there. Could see a ship you like and want to buy that just flies off before you get a chance
Some space stations look like Death Star or Borg cube, and can be attacked. Can't be destroyed, but can damage them enough to lower their rating. No reward for doing so though, but you can be rewarded for attacking the police it sends out to attack you.
Upgrades to suit and weapon don't vanish on death
List of some possible upgrades: (I'll update this when I'm back at my laptop, there's a long list)
Malevolent force is a robotic army. They maintain the balance of the universe. If you are just strolling around, they will ignore you. But if you start killing creatures or carving out resources and they see this then they will attack. So far there's a bipedal version and quadruped version. These aren't procedural, so you can learn how to deal with them.
If you die in a ship, you basically just lose the ship and cargo, and have to save up for a new one before you can leave the current system. But you don't lose money or upgrades.
Current estimate to get to centre is 40-100 hours. The minimum being for people who go straight for it as fast and efficiently as possible. Hello Games can adjust this before release though
There'll be portals to different planets in alien temples (don't know how rare this might be). Can't take ship with, so need to gather what you can on other side and go back through portal.
I'll be adding this to the feature list when I get back to my laptop. Also, there's loads of cool images, and the galactic map looks really cool!! I actually think I know everything I want to about this game now, and I'm seriously excited!!
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50% water, 50% air, the glass is always full!
PSN-Name: PlanetJumble
Das liest sich hammer geil! Endlich bewahrheiten sich die Hoffnungen und es klingt nach einem Spiel und nicht mehr wie die Gigahyperversion von Proteus, was unendlich langweilig war. ~happy~
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Sagt mir jetzt leider nicht mehr über das Spiel als ich schon vorher wusste....schade. Steht trotzdem auf meiner Most Wanted 2015 auf Platz 1, einfach weil ich wieder in ein Cockpit steigen darf und weil man vom Planeten fließend ins All kann.